Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Internship looks continue

Before I write this post, my last post about Outfoxed was actually supposed to be a class discussion. Just clarifying that before I continue. Now, on to the internship search that seems to get harder everytime I try. I have tried to use the Cahill Center to get into the Co-op program that Ramapo offers, however, they are not very helpful atleast in my attempts. No one is available whenever I go there, so now I have decided to just look on my own. My only problem is I am not sure how to start my cover letter, which in fact is very important. Once I do my cover letter, I will be almost done and my internship search will almost be complete.


The Fox News Channel has seen a lot of bad publicity because they are an obviously very conservative news station that offers "fair and balanced" journalism and news reporting. That is the main problem that FNC has seen because almost every other news station shows bias to one of the political sides, but they do not brag that their news is "fair and balanced."

FNC has a cast of characters that also draws a lot of attention not for their political views, but for their bold personalities that draw viewers into their shows. Bill O'Reilly is a perfect example, as his show, "The O'Reilly Factor" always draws a huge audience. The problem with Mr. O'Reilly is not that he is a right wing conservative who is blind to the liberal or the democratic side, but his arrogance is the reason people tune into the FNC every night to watch his program. It is no secret that he is all about the Republican party, but when he has a liberal on his show, or someone with different views as him, he blasts them and publicly humiliates him (ex. Jeremy Glick). It is unfortunate that the FNC advertises "fair and balanced" but at the same time give guys like Bill O'Reilly their own show on their channel.

Now, in the defense of the FNC, Outfoxed is a documentary that is basically propaganda about propaganda. It definitely gets its point across that Fox should not be trusted for your news about anything because they are certainly not fair like they advertise, but there could have been another documentary made about a liberal news channel. Down the road, we may see a movie come out about CNN and their democratic bias that they have, because they certainly have that bias. However, it is just the way that Rupert Murdoch gets his message across that Fox gets attacked the way it does. If he was not such a right wing conservative himself, the FNC would have a chance to get their fair and balanced journalism to the American public.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


As I enter my junior year at Ramapo College, Internships have started to become something that I have been looking into. I have just begun my search for either this summer, or for the fall semester, so I do not have too much to write about. I also feel that as a Communication Arts major here at Ramapo, I will definitely need an internship to get a job after college as it is hard to get a job in media these days. Once I finish my resume, I am going to send it out to whoever I can to get an internship that will help my future.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Obama's Inauguration and the Media Coverage

Yesterday, one of the most historic events in United States history happened as Barack Obama, the nations 44th president, and first African American president, was sworn into office beginning his much anticipated presidency since he was elected two months ago. The moment was so historic, and was covered by all sorts of media outlets. Because there were so many people there to see the event first hand, the media still needed to cover the story with great detail and passion as there were many people across the nation who wanted to watch the event, but could not make it down to Washington D.C. It was all over the place as it was on every single news channel possible (flipping through the few channels that I have in the dorm rooms, all I saw was the same image of Obama giving his inauguration speech or the millions of people who lined the streets of Washington D.C.), and also had much Internet and radio coverage. I watched about the last five minutes of his speech as I woke up after he started, but to be perfectly honest, I did not care all that much. I have been hearing so much about this day for so long now, I think the anticipation kind of wore me out. It is great to see the first African American president be inaugurated to this great nation, and will set the table for future presidents such as possibly our first woman president, or another president of another race. Even though I did not watch the event, I believe that there was enough coverage for this, as there were many people across the nation that were very interested in this. Obama has many supporters across the country, and these people needed the right to see history happen first hand. The American media did what it had to do to get the proper coverage of this story.